Saturday, September 02, 2006

Danger...Sock Construction Ahead...

My BBF Oregano socks are in progress! The yarn arrived on Wednesday, and I cast on for them that evening using Brenda's pattern as planned. My in-laws are visiting this week before school starts next week, so we hit Sea World on Thursday and did the obligatory tourist thing. I spent the day walking and knitting around the park. I got lots of interesting looks, but I wasn't bored while we waited for shows and rides. Sometimes, sock knitting is the best entertainment you get in an amusement park!

I've decided the socks are destined for my friend whose favorite flower is a green carnation--don't ask, it's a sentimental thing. The colorway has every color possible from her favorite bloom, and I thought of her while knitting it on Thursday. I showed it to her later that evening, and she said it would be better named Money since it has every color possible from a U.S. bill. She already refers to them as her money socks, and she loves the colors! I said she she should wear them during her candle shows to help boost her business! BBF appearing soon at a PartyLite show near you.


Blogger Carol said...

Wow - you're fast! They look great. I'll have to check out Brenda's pattern. I like the name "Money" -- I'll have to use it sometime....

8:45 PM  

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